That the City Council:
1. Award a construction contract to Hardy & Harper, Inc. for the Pavement Rehabilitation for Various Local Streets (CDBG Fiscal Year 2023-24) Project in the area located south of Cactus Avenue, between Perris Boulevard and Kitching Street and on Brill Road; and
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Hardy & Harper, Inc. in the amount of $2,738,000.00 funded by the Community Development Block Grant Funds (Fund 2512) and Capital Project Reimbursement Funds (Fund 3008); and
3. Authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order to Hardy & Harper, Inc. for the amount of $3,148,700 (bid amount plus 15% contingency) when the contract has been signed by all parties; and
4. Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to execute any subsequent related change orders to the contract with Hardy & Harper, Inc. up to the budget as previously approved by Council, subject to the approval of the City Attorney.