City Hall Council Chamber – 14177 Frederick Street





*The City Council receives a separate stipend from the Community Services District Board of Directors


Ulises Cabrera, Mayor 
Elena Baca-Santa Cruz, Mayor Pro Tem (District #1)

Edward A. Delgado, Councilmember (District #2)
Erlan Gonzalez, Councilmember (District #3)

Cheylynda Barnard, Councilmember (District #4)



City Council Regular Meetings
First and Third Tuesdays of the Month at 6:00 PM

City Council Closed Sessions
Scheduled As Needed Commencing at 4:00 PM or Thereafter

City Council Special Recognition/Presentations

First and Third Tuesdays of the Month
Scheduled As Needed Commencing at 5:30 PM

City Council Study Sessions
Second Tuesdays of the Month

Scheduled As Needed Commencing at 6:00 PM

Stake President Thomas M. Uata from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

  • Recommendation(s)

    Approve Excused Absences

  • Recommendation(s)

    Approve Agenda Order

Speakers shall have a total of three minutes to comment on any matters not on the agenda.

Comments must pertain to matters within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council and/or Affiliated Boards.

Speakers have a total of three minutes to comment on all matters on the Joint Consent Calendar which are not pulled for separate discussion by the City Council and/or Affiliated Boards.

Any member of the City Council or Affiliated Boards may pull an item from the Joint Consent Calendar for discussion purposes, prior to approval of the Joint Consent Calendar.

After any requested discussion involving any given Consent item has taken place, all Consent items may be approved with one motion.

  • Recommendation(s)

    Approve the Joint Consent Calendars

Waive the Full Reading of all Ordinances listed on the Agenda and Adopt all Ordinances by Title Only.

  • Recommendation(s)

    Approval of City Council and Affiliated Boards’ Regular Meeting Minutes for (Meeting Date)

Repeal of Moreno Valley Business Park Building 5 (The District) Entitlements

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    Pursuant to the attached Peremptory Writ of Mandate (Case No. CVRI210122 and Related Case No. CVRI2101518):

    1. Adopt Resolution [next in order] Repealing Resolution No. 2021-07 Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Plan;

    2. Adopt Resolution [next in order] Repealing Resolution No. 2021-08 Approving General Plan Amendment PEN20-0066;

    3. Adopt Resolution [next in order] Repealing Resolution No. 2021-11 Approving Plot Plan PEN20-0137; and

    4. Introduce Ordinance [next in order] Repealing Ordinance No. 978 Adopting Specific Plan Amendment PEN20-0138.

Council Discretionary Expenditure Reports –January 2025

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    ​1. Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Council Discretionary Expenditure Report for July 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025. ​​ 

Council Training & Travel Expenditure Reports – January 2025

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 City Council Training & Travel Expenditure Report for the month of January 2025.

Resolution Appointing City Treasurer (Reso. No. 2025-xx)

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-xx Appointing a City Treasurer.

Approve revisions to Policy 1.03 “Staff Assistance Provided to City Council” to provide resources to complete their staff report(s), resolution(s), and/or ordinance(s) for all council motioned items pursuant to Ordinance 1008

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Approve revisions to Policy 1.03 “Staff Assistance Provided to City Council" to provide resources to complete their staff report(s), resolution(s), and/or ordinance(s) for all motioned items pursuant to Ordinance 1008.

Annual Progress Report As Required By Government Code 65400

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-XX, approving the General Plan Annual Report and directing staff to submit the Annual Report to the Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI) and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) by April 1, 2025.

Approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Funding the College Promise at Moreno Valley College

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:


    1.  Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Moreno Valley (City) and the Riverside Community College District Foundation acting on behalf of Moreno Valley College (College) allowing for the allocation of $100,000 to support the College Promise Initiative for two academic years.


    2.  Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the MOU, and any subsequent amendments, subject to the approval of the City Attorney and available budget as previously approved by Council.


Payment Register Report

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Receive and file Payment Register.

Resolutions to Initiate Proceedings to Levy FY 2025/26 Assessments for LMD 2014-02

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the CSD:

    1. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Initiating Proceedings to Levy the Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Landscape Maintenance District No. 2014-02.

    2. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Approving an Engineer's Report in Connection with the Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Landscape Maintenance District No. 2014-02.

    3. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Declaring its Intention to Levy the Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Landscape Maintenance District No. 2014-02.

Resolutions to Initiate Proceedings to Levy FY2025/26 Assessments for LMD 2014-01

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the CSD:

    1. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Initiating Proceedings to Levy Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Lighting Maintenance District No. 2014-01.

    2. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Approving an Engineer's Report in Connection with Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Lighting Maintenance District No. 2014-01.

    3. Adopt Resolution No. CSD 2025-__, a Resolution of the Board for the Moreno Valley Community Services District of the City of Moreno Valley, California, Declaring its Intention to Levy Fiscal Year 2025/26 Assessments against Real Property in Moreno Valley Community Services District Lighting Maintenance District No. 2014.01.

List of Personnel Changes (February 1, 2025 – February 28, 2025)

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:


    1.  Ratify the list of personnel changes as described.

Authorization to Award Construction Contract to Inland Electric Inc. for the Grand Valley Ballroom Outdoor Patio Lighting Project (Project No. 803 0051)

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council and CSD:

    1. Award a Construction Contract to Inland Electric Inc. for the construction of the Grand Valley Ballroom Outdoor Patio Lighting Project and authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with Inland Electric Inc in the amount of $124,250.00 funded by Facilities Construction Fund (3000); and

    2. Authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order to Inland Electric Inc. in the amount of $136,675.00 (bid amount plus a 10% contingency) necessary for completing the construction of this project when the contract has been signed by all parties; and

    3. Authorize the Executive Director or their designee to execute any subsequent related change orders to the contract with Inland Electric Inc. within Council approved budgeted amounts, subject to the approval of the City Attorney.

Authorization of the Western Riverside Council of Governments California Air Resource Board Grant Subrecipient Agreement By and Between the Western Riverside Council of Governments and the City of Moreno Valley for the Deployment and Purchase of Zero-Emission Vehicles

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Approve the Western Riverside Council of Governments California Air Resources Board Grant Subrecipient Agreement By and Between the Western Riverside Council of Governments and the City of Moreno Valley with a matching funding requirement of $581,183.73, funded through the General Fund Fleet Operations (1010) and $22,659 in in-kind funding funded through the Fleet Operations (7410); and

    2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the attached agreements subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and

    3. Approve budget adjustments as set forth in the Fiscal Impact section of this report.


Authorization of the Western Riverside Council of Governments California Energy Commission Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Subrecipient Agreement By and Between the Western Riverside Council of Governments and the City of Moreno Valley For the Purchase of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1. Approve the Western Riverside Council of Governments California Energy Commission Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Subrecipient Agreement By and Between the Western Riverside Council of Governments and the City of Moreno Valley with a match funding requirement of $92,820.17 funded through the General Fund Fleet Operations (1010); and

    2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the attached agreements subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and

    3. Approve budget adjustments as set forth in the Fiscal Impact section of this report.

  • Recommendation(s)

Public testimony on each Public Hearing item shall be limited to three minutes per speaker and must pertain to the subject under consideration.

Those wishing to testify are encouraged to complete and submit a GOLDENROD speaker slip to the City Clerk Staff.

Public comment on each General Business item shall be limited to three minutes per speaker and must pertain to the subject under consideration.

Those wishing to speak are encouraged to complete and submit a BLUE speaker slip to the City Clerk Staff.

  • Recommendation(s)

    That the City Council:

    1.  Introduce (First Reading) and subsequently adopt (Second Reading) Ordinance No. [next in order]: 1) Amending Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the Moreno Valley Municipal Code by repealing in their entireties Chapter 2.06 (Boards and Commissions – General Provisions), Chapter 2.19 (Parks, Community Services and Trails Committee), Chapter 2.20 (Airport Commission), Chapter 2.21 (Environmental and Historical Preservation Board), Chapter 2.22 (Seniors Citizens’ Board), Chapter 2.25 (Utilities Commission), Chapter 2.26 (Arts Commission),  Chapter 2.27 (Traffic Safety Commission),  and Chapter 2.28 (Library Commission), and replacing with a new Chapter 2.20 (City Council Advisory Boards and Commissions); and

    2.  Adopt Resolution [next in order] amending Legislative Policy 1.10 (Operating Policy for Boards, Commissions and Committees).

Individual Council Member comments shall be limited to five minutes.

I, Patty Rodriguez, Manager of the Office of the Mayor and City Council/City Clerk of the City of Moreno Valley, California, certify that 72 hours prior to this Regular Meeting, the City Council Agenda was posted on the City’s website at: and in the following three public places pursuant to City of Moreno Valley Resolution No. 2007-40:

City Hall, City of Moreno Valley
14177 Frederick Street

Moreno Valley Library
25480 Alessandro Boulevard

Moreno Valley Senior/Community Center
25075 Fir Avenue

Patty Rodriguez, CMC
Manager of the Office of the Mayor and City Council/City Clerk

Date Posted: March 13, 2025


The contents of the agenda packet are available for public inspection on the City’s website at and in the City Clerk’s office at 14177 Frederick Street during normal business hours.

Any written information related to an open session agenda item that is known by the City to have been distributed to all or a majority of the City Council less than 72 hours prior to this meeting will be made available for public inspection on the City’s website at and in the City Clerk’s office at 14177 Frederick Street during normal business hours.


Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and all related federal rules and regulations. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the ADA Coordinator, at 951.413.3350 at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72-hour notification will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

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