That the City Council:
1. Adopt Resolution 2024-XX objecting to the sale of the tax-defaulted parcels (APN 292-032-011 and APN 312-260-017) at a public auction, offering to purchase such properties by submitting a formal offer letter to the County of Riverside Treasury-Tax Collector, and finding the acquisition exempt from CEQA; and
2. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to submit a formal offer to the County of Riverside Treasury-Tax Collector to pursue the purchase of the parcels (APN 292-032-011 and APN 312-260-017) through the Chapter 8 Purchase Agreement process in the amount of $200,919.70; and
3. Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to take such actions and do such things as may be necessary to effectuate and complete the purchase and accept the parcels (APN 292-032-011 and APN 312-260-017), upon approval of the City Attorney; and
4. Authorize a budget adjustment as set forth in the Fiscal Impact section of this report to provide sufficient funds for the purchase of the parcels (APN 292-032-011 and APN 312-260-017); and
5. Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute any additional required budget amendments or allocation documents as needed to effectuate and complete the purchase of the parcels (APN 292-032-011 and APN 312-260-017).